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Configure SGBox to use Telgram API in LCE Module and send alert messages

This articles explain how to configure SGBox to interact with Telegram API in order to send alert messages when a specific event occur.


  • SGBox version 4.2.4 with the LM and LCE modules.
  • A Telegram BOT.

There are many tutorial about how to configure a Telegram BOT. We choose @BotFather for our example.
First you need to create your bot and obtain your TOKEN:

Telegram App

Telegram App

A token is something like: 1148120703:AbIUGpERusdQDEEag_EL1KDtynRB9sIhbj1.
You need also a the chat_id, so: start and say “Hello” to your bot, than retrieve the chat id:

Telegram App

From your browser go to:

Find the ID in the response:
Telegram App
id: 124229696

Telegram App Installation

Install Telegram application: SCM  > Applications

Telegram App

     > Packages 

Telegram App

find the “Telegram Alert”, in this case the package is already installed but the installation’s button is in the same place 

Telegram App

After the dowmload we verify in PB 

Telegram App

When PB is open search Tlegram alert in filter name 

Telegram App

When we find Telegram_Alert we need to modify with the button on the right side 

Telegram App

Telegram_Alert’s Playbook has this format

Telegram App

Afetr we need to create an Event/logs queries to connect with the Telegram_Alert’s Playbook, we have to go to LM  > Analysis >  Event/logs queries

Telegram App

Create new Queries with the blue button on the right 

Telegram App

in the select we put the parameters that we are interested in seeing in the future message that will arrive on our Telegram.

On this example we write:

 $HOST as Host, $EVENT as Action, $PARAM:[TargetUserName] as details, $TIMESTAMP as Timestamp
Telegram App

Now set your “FROM”  ( The class or classes ) 

Telegram App

Now i choose the event or events:

Telegram App

Important: we need to verify the proper functioning of our query, NB: before clicking the test button, chech the range time

Telegram App

Now press the button = ” Show Scheduling Options “

Telegram App

put the tick on the flag ” Run Playbook ” and choose our Telegram alert

Telegram App

back to the playbook section

Telegram App

we have to set our Telegram bot credential, to do it we can go on the second rectangle from the left and click on modify:

Telegram App

Name fileld: bot_id ( do not change ),  ( we can find in the first part of our guide the credentials that need to be entered  )

Value: 1148120703:AbIUGpERusdQDEEag_EL1KDtynRB9sIhbj1

Name fileld: chat_id ( do not change ),  ( we can find in the first part of our guide the credentials that need to be entered  )

Value: 124229696

Also when we finisched to insert our credential, we can test all and save, close the window

Telegram App

go to format message 

Telegram App

same passage as before click on the edit button, in the section text we write the telegrammessage that will come to us once we set :

Telegram Alert
Host: $1

Action: $2 

Details: $3

Timestamp: $4

the values refer to the query we made earlier, to add parameters in the text message click on plus or trash to delete 

Save all with the button on the right “save”

Telegram App

Back to Playbook section, search Telegram_Alert and check the status of the playbook on the right side, if it’s green playbook will alert you whenever the event we have indicated will happen

Telegram App

If it’s all correctly, after the login telegram alert me that someone has done a LogonOK

Telegram App