Best practices to enhance Threat Hunting

In today’s digital landscape, marked by the constant growth and unpredictability of cyber threats, the practice of Threat Hunting is essential for identifying gaps and vulnerabilities within a company’s IT infrastructure.
One of the barriers for CISOs and SOC (Security Operation Center) teams is the lack of contextual information about potential threats—a challenge that can compromise the success of threat-hunting activities.
Let’s explore the necessary solutions to make Threat Hunting effective and efficient.
The role of SIEM in enhancing Threat Hunting
SIEM (Security Information & Event Management) plays a pivotal role in providing detailed insights into the entire IT ecosystem through the collection, correlation, and analysis of security events.
Searching for threats in isolated environments such as EDR, VPN, or firewalls does not offer the visibility or value that modern threat hunters need. For complex and interconnected infrastructures, an advanced SIEM capable of encompassing all logs is the cornerstone that supports effective threat hunting.
Detailed Information for SOC Teams
A significant advantage of SIEM is its ability to provide SOC (Security Operation Center) teams with contextual information related to devices and users, offering a clear and comprehensive view of what is happening within the IT infrastructure.
An additional component that supports SIEM is UBA (User Behavior Analytics), which identifies whether a user’s actions deviate from their usual behavior.
These tools enhance the SOC’s ability to detect threats within the environment. Importantly, when analysts identify suspicious activities, they also uncover weaknesses in current defenses that allowed potential adversaries to slip through.
One of the most critical objectives of a threat-hunting program is identifying security gaps. Any detection of a positive threat, even if it’s a false positive, highlights an anomaly overlooked by SOC systems and processes.
This enables analysts to detail every possible threat and implement new measures to counteract threats in a timely manner.
A holistic approach to Cybersecurity
The integration between SOC team activities and SIEM analysis helps develop an advanced Threat Hunting program that involves various stakeholders within the organization.
Thanks to centralized information, CISOs and SOC teams can more easily communicate Threat Hunting results and make informed decisions to improve security levels.
To be truly effective, the Threat Hunting process must be holistic and interdisciplinary.
The centralized collection of logs by SIEM, combined with UBA’s behavior analysis, are essential tools for analysts and CISOs to detect threats across the IT environment and collaborate effectively with corporate decision-makers.