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The SGBox appliance must be able to communicate via HTTPS with the following address:

SGBox – Piattaforma Next Generation SIEM & SOAR

The connection is required to access updates (available in the applications section of the SCM module). The appliance/collector operating system also uses HTTP/HTTPS protocols to access Ubuntu repositories (*

The appliance syslog server is configured to receive logs via UDP (port 514). SSH (port 22/tcp) traffic must be allowed to access the command-line interface (CLI) (both manifold and appliance).
The virtual collector (if used) and the SGBox agent for Windows (SGAgent) communicate with the appliance via HTTPS (TLS). OpenVAS (installed on the manifold and used by the SGBox NVS module) uses the Greenbone Community Feed (GCF) to keep network vulnerability tests (NVTs) up to date. The frequency of updates is daily and the synchronization activity is based on rsync. The collector must be able to access the following address via rsync protocol (port 873/tcp):

Client (User)Main Appliance – WebUI443/tcpHTTPS
Client (User)Main Appliance – CLI22/tcpSSH
Client (User)Collector – CLI22/tcpSSH
SGAgentMain appliance / collector443/tcpHTTPS
Data sourceCollector / Appliance514/udpSyslog
Data sourceCollector / Appliance514/tcpSyslog
Main Appliance/Collectorapps.sgbox.it80/tcp
Main Appliance/Collector*.ubuntu.com80/tcp
Main ApplianceNo Syslog datasourceseg. 1433/tcp, 1521/tcp, 443/tcpDB, other
Main ApplianceActive Directory (LDAP)389/tcp, 636/tcpLDAP/LDAPS
Client (User)Collector (OpenVAS)4000/tcpOpenVAS console HTTPS

Network Requirements


The main difference from on-premise is that only the collector must communicate with our cloud on port 443/tcp (HTTPS).