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Cyber News Knowledge Base

The main Cyber Security risks in Public Administration

Cyber Security in Public Administration

The Public Administration sector is one of the most affected industries by cyberattacks.

According to the Clusit Report 2024, in 2023 cybercrime attacks in Italy increased by 65%, affecting various industrial sectors, including Public Administration.

This alarming statistic highlights the growing need to adopt the right measures and strategies to defend against the multiple cyberattacks threatening the integrity of public entities’ processes and leading to theft of personal data and sensitive information.

What are the Cyber Security risks in PA?

The cybersecurity risks in Public Administration (PA) mainly include:

Ransomware: these malicious software can block access to PA’s computer systems until a ransom is paid.

– External attacks: PA is subject to intrusion attempts by hackers who may aim to steal sensitive data or compromise systems.

– Internal theft: the risk of theft of sensitive data doesn’t only come from external sources but also from potential internal threats.

– Management of highly classified data: the collection and storage of data related to defense and national security make PA a particularly attractive target for cyberattacks.

– Increase in digitally managed activities: with the increase in digitally managed activities, the risk of attacks that can compromise public security also grows.

– Lack of awareness and training: poor awareness of risks and insufficient training can make PA vulnerable to cyberattacks.

– Shortage of cybersecurity professionals: the lack of qualified personnel can limit PA’s ability to effectively defend against cyber threats.

– Use of vulnerable platforms: the use of channels like Telegram for the sale and disclosure of stolen data and as a place for claiming responsibility for cyberattacks poses an additional risk.

Malware: the spread of malware such as AgentTesla, Formbook, and Ursnif, which can steal information or allow remote access to systems, is a significant and increasingly growing risk in the last year.

– Phishing and smishing: the use of fraudulent emails and messages to deceive users and gain access to systems represents a constant risk.

– Expansion of the digital perimeter: the adoption of smart working and digitization has expanded the digital perimeter of PA, exposing sensitive data and the continuity of essential services to greater risks.

 The SGBox Platform and Compliance with Regulations

The SGBox SIEM & SOAR platform ensures total protection of sensitive and personal data of individuals and public institutions, in compliance with the minimum ICT security measures issued by AGID.

The integration of SGBox’s various functionalities allows for better management of cybersecurity activities, adapting to the sudden evolution of attacks.

Discover the advantages of SGBox for Public Administration >>

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